Sunday, June 4, 2017

Professional groups for SCA people? Not so much.

Groups for SCA members...

Well, I've been working on LinkedIn and it's not really easy to find SCA folk on LinkedIn.  Lots of individuals who have used the things they've learned in medieval re-enactment and you can find them as individuals...but not as groups.  I supposed that's realistic, since LinkedIn is a group to link professionals, usually for employment purposes...not to help find someone who can teach you to make a 15th century kirtle or the basics of your humors or astrology.

There are a lot of social media groups out there that can help you find local people, though.  FaceBook is probably my favorite medium for that, since if there is something you are interested in, there's a group for that.

My favorites:

Historical Textiles

This is mostly an archeology site.  They show off new finds in textiles which are fascinating.  The links back to museum sites and magazine articles are some of the best.

Medieval Cookery

I have friends who administer this site.  Are you looking for advice on making medieval mustard or the best fat ratio for sausage?  What about the ingredients for Roman garum (fish sauce)?  These are your people.

Age of the Cotehardie

Mistress Matilde is one of the administrators here and she is a great friend.  This group is a safe place to get advice on the fitted dresses of the 14th century.  I love cruising this group to look at people's projects.

So, these are a few great places to get some idea of how to find the best resources for medieval re-enactment work.  Okay, so now, I've got to dive back into the gown I'm currently working on!  Pictures soon...well, unless it fails entirely and I decide to throw it in a bog.

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